最新訊息 MIEC江溢科技企業有限公司-電容器,台中電容器,電容器製造商,軸向電容,臥式電容歡迎來電洽詢,竭誠為您服務

江溢科技公司是專業生產電解電容的廠家,電容器是一種被動元件,是電子產品中不可缺少的材料。電解電容器適用於電子通訊、電源、汽車、摩托車零配件、電子儀器、電動玩具、照明設備等。 電解電容型號會根據時間交替變化。從傳統的笨重、龐大、壽命短,到現在的體積小、重量輕、壽命長、容量變化大,電容器技術已經到了成熟的階段。現在的時代是環保的時代,電容器也是如此。我們的產品已達到國際標準。

Full river company is a manufacturer specializing in the production of electrolytic capacitors, electrolytic capacitors is one kind of passive components, is an indispensable material in electronic products. Electrolytic capacitors suitable for electronic communications, power supply, Automobile, motorcycle spare parts, electronic instruments, electric toys, lighting equipment and so on . Electrolytic capacitor model will change according to the time alternately. From the traditional bulky, heavy, and short life, to the present volume is small, light weight, long life and large capacity changes, electrolytic capacitor technology has reached a mature stage. The present era is the era of environmental protection, as well electrolytic capacitors. Of our products has reached the international standard. Accurate
01 一般電解電容
Aluminum electrolytic capacitor
03 牛角電容
Snap-in type capacitor
04 鎖螺絲電容
Screw type capacitor
05 超電容
power super capacitor
  • Series & Feathure
  • NL Series super capacitor Snap in type 360F 2.7VNL Snap-in type Capacitance range:0.25~400F Voltage range:2.7V
  • PL Series super capacitor 100F 2.7V PL General purpose Radial type
    High capacitance and energy efficiency
    0.5F-100F 2.7V -40℃-+65℃
  • MPL Series super capacitor 1.5F 5.4V MPL Module type 5.4V Application 0.25F-5F 5.4V -40℃~+65℃
06 安規電容 塑膠電容
Screw type capacitor